Effect of Scotchgard Protection on Upholstery
We all worry about what chemicals we are using on our daily basics. Scotchgard is a pretty risky product on multiple levels. It comes with warnings if used incorrectly. This is something you should be aware of before using it on your upholstery. The toxicity level is something to be mindful of. If you must use Scotchgard make sure you use it with extreme caution. As it also provides a material Data safety list. To break it down to you, professional upholstery cleaners suggest here are some Effect of Scotchgard protection on upholstery.

Pros and Cons of Using Scotchgard On Upholstery
Scotchgard is a good stain and liquid repellent. Your expensive furnishings and carpets are going to be stain free. But for that, you should apply it to already cleaned upholstery. Plus, Scotchgard requires annual applications. If you spray too much, make sure to wipe it immediately as it can cause reverse effects on your upholstery.
Microfiber Damage
Be well aware of your upholstery material. Scotchgard is great to use on certain fabrics. Because of its chemical nature, it is suspected to cause microfiber damage. When it is used on certain materials is it damaging. Polyester, nylon and some delicate fabrics like silk should not be cleaned with Acetone. Which is one of the key ingredients in Scotchgard and listed on the ingredients list. It is safe to use on cotton, wool which are natural. And be careful to use it on your synthetic-based upholstery.
Extreme Caution
Scotchgard Contains Acetone which is flammable. Along with Carbon dioxide, Isopropyl alcohol, light alkylate petroleum naphtha, Fluorochemical urethane. These chemicals are going to clean up any possible upholstery stains. But the chemicals are extremely flammable chemicals. Also, before spraying Scotchguad check for the colourfastness. It is advised to not use it in high heated surroundings it can cause reverse effects on your upholstery and cause possible accidents.
Hazardous Danger
As we already know Sctocuhguard is a fully chemical-based product. As a result, it comes with extreme warnings for usage. It is not children or pet friendly. And should not be sprayed in presence of your family. Gloves, goggles and a mask is recommended. As it can be damaging to your lungs if inhaled. It can cause dangerous ingestive effects if your pet licks the portion you just sprayed
Health Issues
Although the main goal is to clean the upholstery. Using Scotchgard can turn into something else. Possibly causing health issues. As it has the potential to shift oxygen from the room, it can cause dizziness as the oxygen levels drop and cause suffocation. Therefore, Scotchgard is obviously not pet or children friendly at all. It is best to let the expert handle it and be safe from any possible accidents.
How to Scotch Gard Your Couch
How Can Our Professional Upholstery Cleaners Help You?
All this might get confusing and you are wondering to use Scotchgard or not on your expensive upholstery. Well, you should leave the worrying to our team of experts who have got years of experience dealing with upholstery cleanup. We cover all areas and provide top grade service. We keep in mind the type of material the upholstery is made of.
Don’t be confused about how and what to use for the upholstery at home. To protect it from dirt and possible stains, Rejuvenate Upholstery Cleaning is here to help you out! From liquid stains to any possible stains on your upholstery, we cover it all in all. Dial our toll-free number for an effective clean up of your upholstery with a team of experts. Moreover, we are available for booking 24/7 all through the week for your service. Our staff have Certificate III in Cleaning Operations.
Published on: November 25, 2023